Old age, sickness and death do not have to be equated with suffering; we can live and practice in such a way that dying is a natural rite of passage, a completion of your life, and even the ultimate in liberation - Roshi Joan Halifax
Our Mission
To serve the Buddhist community in times of illness, aging, dying, death, and bereavement.
Our Vision
We train in the principles of compassionate end of life care guided by the study of the Buddha’s core teachings on mindfulness, wisdom, loving kindness, and compassion
Inspired by our study, we prepare ourselves to mindfully offer supportive presence to persons and families experiencing illness, the dying process, death, grief, and bereavement
We serve people from within the EBS community, as well as from without, as requested
The Compassionate Care Group welcomes all interested persons to join and engage with its mission through study, practice, and service
Our Bi-monthly Meetings
2nd Mondays, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Opening meditation
Sharing and planning for our assistance to those who have requested our support
4th Mondays, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Opening Meditation
Book Study: Being with Dying by Roshi Juan Halifax (available in the EBS Bookstore)
Everyone is welcome to join our group. Contact us with your questions: CompassionateCare@ebslr.org