to Apr 6

Meditation, Healing, and Recovery, with Kevin Griffin

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

“The spiritual experience isn’t one of filling ourselves up— with either religious or intellectual beliefs—but of emptying ourselves so that we can experience what is, directly, unfiltered.”

Kevin Griffin, author of One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the Twelve Steps, will lead a retreat exploring mindfulness, meditation, and Buddhist teachings in daily life. A renowned teacher and co-founder of the Buddhist Recovery Network, Kevin brings decades of experience in Buddhist practice. This event offers a unique opportunity for participants to deepen their meditation practice, cultivate mindfulness, and explore compassionate teachings accessible to everyone, regardless of background or experience.

Participants will engage in guided meditations, discussions, and reflective practices designed to foster personal growth, inner peace, and a deeper connection to mindfulness. Whether you're new to meditation or an experienced practitioner, this retreat offers a supportive environment to explore the transformative power of Buddhist principles and integrate them into your everyday life. Kevin's approachable teaching style ensures that all attendees will leave with practical tools for cultivating mindfulness, compassion, and well-being.

Offered in three separate events (and available as a whole package if you want to attend all three). Also available by Zoom for those who cannot attend in person.

  • Friday evening teaching (7:00 pm to 8:30 pm) - an introduction to the ways that Buddhism and the Twelve Steps are connected. Suggested donation for Friday only is $20

  • Saturday day-long retreat (10:00 am to 5:00 pm) - focusing on how mindfulness and loving kindness meditation practices support emotional and spiritual growth in recovery. Instruction, discussion, and guided meditation practice. Suggested donation for Saturday is $60

  • Sunday day-long retreat (10:00 am to 5:00 pm) - exploring the Buddha’s teachings called “The Way to End Suffering” through meditation instruction, lecture, and discussion. Suggested donation for Sunday is $60

Suggested donation for the full weekend is $100 and for Zoom-only attendance is $80. Additional donations to our scholarship fund and teacher honorarium are greatly appreciated. Please use the ‘Add Donation’ option to donate when you register.

Space is limited; advance registration is required to guarantee a seat. 
Register Here

Scholarships are available; on the registration page choose the ‘pay later’ option. And then email your request for a scholarship.

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4:30 PM16:30

Barn Dance, Potluck, and Movie

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for an afternoon and evening of community fun.

Starting with a Contra Dance session at 4:30 pm. Live music and calling. No experience needed. Kick up your heels, shake off your stress and DANCE!

Followed up with a Potluck Supper at 6:00 pm. Pizza will be provide and you can also bring drinks, deserts, or vegetarian dishes to share.

Movie screening at 7:00 pm.  WALL-E

WALL-E is a 2008 animated science fiction film produced by Pixar, featuring a lonely robot tasked with cleaning up a polluted Earth. The film explores themes of love, environmental neglect, and consumerism, and is celebrated for its minimal dialogue and emotional storytelling.

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3:00 PM15:00

Annual Community Meeting

By tradition, the EBS community gathers once a year to reflect and communicate about all of our activities and the health/status of our community.

Over tea and cookies, we connect with one another, recognize and celebrate our volunteers and supporters, and elect members to next year’s Board of Directors. 

It’s like a family reunion. And everyone is invited.

If you are new to EBS, here’s an opportunity to learn about the entire community and to make new EBS friends. If you’re a volunteer, donor or supporter of EBS, you are invited to weigh in, ask questions, share your thoughts, get involved.

We will Zoom this event for those who cannot attend in person. Here is the Zoom link
Meeting ID: 897 372 8000 Passcode: ebs

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4:00 PM16:00


  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


This year, EBS marks 30 years since it was founded. Over all those years, supporters and volunteers have sustained a continuous program of meditating, studying, and practicing Buddhism in the warmth of community. All those volunteers who keep the lights on and the doors open! All those remarkable teachers who come to guide us! Countless people have participated, benefited, and supported EBS! We are blessed.

Our annual holiday party will include a special acknowledgement of that remarkable history, and we will hear from some of our founders. There will be sweet foods - including a birthday cake - and sweet company to warm us during the holidays.

Please join us to celebrate our past and to enjoy all that we do together now.

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to Dec 8

Beyond Duality: Finding Connection Amidst Discord

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Schedule: Friday night 7:00 to 8:30 pm,
Saturday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm,
Sunday 9:00 am to 12:00 pm.

About this Zen Retreat - We seem to live in a moment of perpetual discord and disagreement. Loud voices and strong opinions vie for our attention and tell us what to believe. What makes things this way? Why are we so rife with division?  Together, we’ll explore the ways in which duality creates division in our minds, relationships, and worldviews. Through zazen, dharma study, and relational practice, we will experience the illusion of separation and revisit our underlying connectedness. We’ll explore how to navigate opposing views, meeting tension as a nourishing teacher.

Nate Smalley

About the teacher - Nathan Smalley has been practicing Zen for over twelve years. He has served in various leadership capacities at Appamada, a contemporary Zen center in Austin, Texas. He brings curiosity and care to those who seek release from suffering. Professionally, Nathan is an educator, scholar, and consultant with deep experience serving students in low-income communities. His present work explores intersections of spirituality, philosophy, and education.  He is currently preparing his first book, Teaching in Flux: Mindfulness and Conditionality in Pedagogical Practice, for publication. He holds a PhD in Education from Texas State University. Nate lives with his wife and son in Austin, Texas. 

More information about Appamada Zen Center in Austin

More about Nate Smalley

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4:30 PM16:30

Barn Dance, Potluck and Movie

Join us for an afternoon and evening of community fun.

Starting with a Contra Dance session at 4:30 pm. Live music and calling.

Followed up with a Potluck Supper at 6:00 pm. Bring vegetarian dishes to share.

Movie screening at 7:00 pm. “Mission Joy - Finding Happiness in Troubled Times” featuring the incredible friendship between His Holiness the Dalai Lama of Tibet and Archbishop Desmond Tutu of South Africa. This is a laugh-out-loud film demonstrating how we can make happiness a habit, find joy in adversity, and create a better world.

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7:00 PM19:00

Movie Screening: Groundhog Day

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come watch a movie with us! A cynical TV weatherman finds himself reliving the same day over and over again when he goes on location to the small town of Punxsutawney to film a report about their annual Groundhog Day. His predicament drives him to distraction, until he sees a way of turning the situation to his advantage.

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4:30 PM16:30

Contra Dance

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

 Come discover why contra dancing is delightful regardless of prior experience.

No experience?  No problem.  Two left feet?  No problem.  Curious but a bit nervous?  No problem.  Bringing a child or a parent?  No problem!  This is one of those things where simplicity is fun.

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7:00 PM19:00

Introduction to Buddhism

This class, held the first Monday of each month, is an excellent starting place for people with little or no knowledge about Buddhism. One of our members will present some history of Buddhism and talk about the different traditions of practice. Basic meditation technique is also covered. This session is informal and questions are welcomed.

If you plan to attend a session, kindly please let us know by sending an email to Doug Holmes or Cheryl Woodard and be sure to include the number of attendees. Advanced registration is requested, but not required. We look forward to having you!

Zoom Meeting ID: 259 027 126


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7:00 PM19:00

Movie Screening: Perfect Days

Perfect Days is a delightfully profound film by legendary director Wim Wenders. Nominated for numerous international awards, including an Academy Award for Best Foreign Film, the movie tells the story of Hirayama, a solitary man who cleans public toilets in upscale Tokyo. Despite his structured routine, he finds contentment in music, books, and photographing trees. Unexpected encounters reveal more about his past and challenge his conscious lifestyle. This deeply moving and poetic film reflects on finding beauty in the everyday world. Perfect Days boasts a 96% rating on Rotten Tomatoes and an 89% audience score.

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4:30 PM16:30

Contra Dance

You're invited! Contra dance: Fun for Plum Village monastics as well as laypeople.

This is a true story: we hosted a contra dance at the Plum Village Monastery in Bordeaux, France in July. About three hundred people joined in, including nuns. Come discover why contra dancing is delightful regardless of prior experience.

Calling by Ellen Hostetter and live music by Rob Matson (a/k/a Kind Understanding of the Source). Both practice with the River Valley group.

Ellen and Rob are experienced contra dance hosts, with over 38 contra dances including five at EBS in their pocket. They make it easy and fun for all. No experience? No problem. Two left feet? No problem. Curious but a bit nervous? No problem. Bringing a child or a parent? No problem! This is one of those things where simplicity is fun.

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3:00 PM15:00

Special Guest Speaker: Paul Atkins

We are thrilled to welcome Paul Atkins, the pastor of Canvas Community, as our guest speaker. Paul is not only a United Methodist minister but also a dedicated practitioner at EBS. His mission congregation focuses on sharing life with neighbors experiencing homelessness.
Paul has been drawn to meditation for over a decade. EBS has played a crucial role in his spiritual development, helping him embrace the present moment and remain open to what is right in front of him. This practice has been essential in his relationships with friends experiencing homelessness, supporting a community vision of transforming lives through relationships with one another and with Jesus Christ. In his talk, Paul will discuss how mindfulness and meditation support him in his work and how these practices integrate well with his Christian spirituality.

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1:00 PM13:00

Half-Day Meditation Session!

On the first Saturday of each month EBS will have a half-day retreat lasting from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. Each hour will consist of 40 minutes of sitting meditation and 10 minutes of walking meditation. One is welcomed to participate in all or only part of the event.

There is no cost.  Ten minute breaks are scheduled each hour (at 2:00, 3:00, and 4:00 p.m.) to allow people to join later or leave earlier if they have other commitments.

For more information, contact Doug Holmes at doug.holmes.42@gmail.com

These events are in the spirit of the Uposatha days celebrated in Buddhist countries since the time of the Buddha.  It is a day when both monastics and lay people intensify their practice.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Half-Day Sit:

Q: Can I talk or get a drink or a snack?

A: Tea and conversation are allowed during the 10 minute breaks, and snacks too if someone happens to bring some to share.

Q: I’m new to meditation, should I attend?

A: You may want to check out the Wednesday night Mindfulness meditation class first, it is designed specifically for new meditators.

Q: I still have questions, who do I ask?

A: Please contact Doug Holmes at doug.holmes.42@gmail.com

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EBS Tibetan New Year Celebration (Losar)
5:00 PM17:00

EBS Tibetan New Year Celebration (Losar)

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bring your favorite food  and join the EBS community in a potluck celebration of the Tibetan New Year – called Losar.

 An occasion for starting fresh, Tibetan people mark Losar by cleaning their homes, receiving blessings and teachings at the monasteries, and partying together with family and friends. In this way, they put the past to rest and make a fresh start in the new year.

 At EBS, we will view a short video about Losar (with an inspirational message from a Lama), followed by a traditional smoke purification ceremony, and then enjoy food together. Traditional foods are especially welcome if you know how to make Tibetan dishes, but bring whatever you like.

 Children are also welcome – this is a very family-friendly event. Please join us if a fresh start is appealing to you. And to enjoy food and companionship with the EBS community.

Questions? Contact Mick Wiggins, Betsy Johnson, or Cheryl Woodard

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3:00 PM15:00

Annual Community Meeting

It’s our tradition to gather once a year to reflect and communicate about all of our EBS activities and the health/status of our community. Over tea and cookies, we connect with one another, recognize and celebrate our volunteers and supporters, and elect members to next year’s Board of Directors. It’s like a family reunion!

Everyone is invited to attend. If you are new to EBS, here’s the time to learn about everything offered here and to make new EBS friends. If you’re a volunteer, donor or supporter of EBS, here’s the time to weigh in, share your thoughts, get involved.

Please join in-person OR on Zoom. Meeting ID: 897 372 8000  • Passcode: ebs

If joining in-person, we will have hot tea and sweet treats to share!

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Anam Thubten Weekend Retreat: The Citadel of Awareness
to Oct 29

Anam Thubten Weekend Retreat: The Citadel of Awareness

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ABOUT THE TEACHINGS: There is a realm in our consciousness that is unconditioned by negative mental patterns - a place where we feel peace, compassion, equilibrium, and joy. Called “the citadel of awareness” it can be accessed in every moment, when we know how to find it within.

In this two-day retreat, Anam Thubten will teach and offer guided meditations to help us connect with this inner state of mind. We recommend that you might want to read his book, Citadel of Awareness, in advance of the weekend teachings.

We will meet from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm on both Saturday and Sunday, with a mid-day break for lunch each day. Anam Thubten requests that we attend both days and there are no single-day registrations. This retreat is in-person only and there will be no Zoom access or recordings. Space is limited, so please register early.

ABOUT THE TEACHER: At an early age, Anam Thubten began to practice in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He has been teaching at EBS for more than twenty years and we are delighted to welcome him back this year. He is founder and spiritual director of Dharmata Foundation, has authored many Dharma books, and teaches in the US, Europe and Asia.

REGISTER: Cost is $150 for the weekend, and some scholarships are available. Contact donations@ebslr.org for financial aid requests.

Register Here.

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Anam Thubten Public Dharma Talk
7:00 PM19:00

Anam Thubten Public Dharma Talk

At an early age, Anam Thubten began to practice in the Nyingma lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. He has been teaching at EBS for more than twenty years and we are delighted to welcome him back this year. He is founder and spiritual director of Dharmata Foundation, has authored many Dharma books, and teaches in the US, Europe and Asia.

By special request, Anam Thubten has agreed to offer this Friday night event on Zoom as well as in person - for the benefit of those who cannot travel to Little Rock. Zoom information will be sent to those who register in advance.

The event is free but suggested donations are $10 to $20. All proceeds go to support the worldwide Dharma activities of Anam Thubten. Advanced registration is suggested and you can also register at the door.

Register and Donate Here.

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to Jul 23

Medicine Buddha Retreat with Dorje Löpon Dr. Hun Lye (Live and On Zoom)

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Medicine Buddha is considered to embody all the healing powers of all the buddhas. Widely revered and practiced by health professionals and ailing patients alike, the Medicine Buddha practice transcends conventional concepts of health and wellness, sickness and death. In this weekend retreat, Dr. Lye will introduce the Tantric deity-yoga practices of Medicine Buddha as handed down through the Yutok Nyintik lineage that comes directly from the founder of traditional Tibetan medicine, Yutok Yonten Gonpo.

SCHEDULE: Friday 7 to 9 pm. Saturday 9 am to 5 pm with a break for lunch, please bring your lunch. Sunday 9 am to 2 pm. The Friday night is a general introduction to Medicine Buddha. You are welcome to attend only the Friday night talk, or stay for the whole weekend teachings. Everything will also be available via Zoom for those who cannot attend in person.

Dorje Löpon Dr. Hun Lye

Appointed to the position of Varja Master by the head of the Drikung Kagyu lineage, Dr. Lye is a popular teacher at EBS because of his warm and engaging style. This is a rare opportunity to receive advanced teachings from him.

Registration is Required for live, in-person attendance as well as Zoom. The full weekend is $120 and includes the Friday talk. Please register separately if you only want to attend the Friday talk. Please register now You will receive a confirmation email.

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Saturday Night at the Movies
7:00 PM19:00

Saturday Night at the Movies

The Buddha will be laughing at the showing of the Disney/Pixar animated classic, Inside Out, on Saturday, April 1st at 7pm! There is no charge and everyone (especially kids!) are invited!

Inside Out tells the story of Riley, a happy, hockey-loving 11-year-old Midwestern girl. Her world turns upside-down when she and her parents move to San Francisco. Critics and audiences alike have cheered and empathized with Riley's changing emotions -- led by the emotion, Joy, as she tries to guide Riley through this difficult, life-changing event.  It’s a movie for the young AND the young at heart. 

Meet other EBS families and youngsters. Everyone is encouraged to come dressed for a sleepover! Wear your jammies and bring sleeping bags, if you like.  We will have a few pizzas but please bring your own (or whatever you like to eat).  Popcorn and drinks will be also provided. We will eat and socialize at 7 with the movie starting about 7:30 and finishing at about 9.

Come and laugh and have fun with Buddha!

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Mindful Eating Workshop with Professional Chef Dave Briggs
1:00 PM13:00

Mindful Eating Workshop with Professional Chef Dave Briggs

About the Workshop:
In this workshop, we will focus on food and eating as relationships to cultivate and continually explore. Like any relationship, they will change over time and can potentially lead us toward a better understanding of ourselves and the external world. We will start with curiosity, move into a space of joy and gratitude, and conclude by preparing and enjoying a vegetarian meal together. The workshop will also include meditation and light movement. If you would like to take a journey towards a new perspective on food and eating, join us!

For those participating on Zoom, we will provide you with a shopping list and recipes prior to the event so you can enjoy the process of cooking and eating along with our in-person group.

$40 In Person; $10 Zoom
Limit 20 in-person participants.

Saturday, March 18th from 1 - 4 PM

Ecumenical Buddhist Society of Little Rock and online via Zoom

Click Here to Register

Dave Briggs is a professional chef, Ayurvedic and yoga teacher.

For questions about the workshop please contact Molly Carson at 

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Navigating A World of Uncertainties and Chaos
to Mar 12

Navigating A World of Uncertainties and Chaos

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Bhante Jayasara, a Buddhist monk in the Theravada tradition, will be leading a retreat March 10th through the 12th at the Ecumenical Buddhist Society of Little Rock.

About the Retreat:
This retreat is intended to deepen the practice of the four brahma viharas: lovingkindness, compassion, joy and equanimity. During this vulnerable and destabilizing time in our inner and outer world, we are fortunate to be drawn to take refuge in the stabilizing and protective practices of the four brahma viharas. This event is organized by the Ecumenical Buddhist Society’s Theravada group.

There will be a Friday evening talk at 7:00 pm followed by two full day retreat sessions from 8:30 am to 4:00 pm on Saturday and Sunday.  The talk and retreat can be attended in person or online via Zoom. 

This is a free retreat. While there is no cost to attend, donations in any amount are always welcome. Please help support the Ecumenical Buddhist Society of Little Rock and Bhante Jayasara. You can donate here: https://www.ebslr.org/donations

Click Here to Register

About the Teacher: 
Bhante Jayasara was born and raised in South Jersey and got his degree in anthropology. He received novice ordination from Ven. H. Gunaratana (Bhante G) at the Bhavana Society in 2014. He resided at the Bhavana Society in Hampshire County, West Virginia till 2020 and has been an itinerant monk since then. The term Bhante is an honorific which means Venerable. 

Evening dharma talk:
Friday, 3/10/23: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Saturday, 3/11/23: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm (1 hour lunch)
Sunday, 3/12/23: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm (1 hour lunch)

For questions about the retreat please contact Doug Holmes at 

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EBS 2023 Annual Meeting
3:00 PM15:00

EBS 2023 Annual Meeting

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society of Little Rock (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Our annual meeting will be Sunday afternoon, January 15th 2023 at 3:00pm

It’s our tradition to gather once a year to reflect and communicate about all of our EBS activities and the health/status of our community. We also recognize and celebrate our volunteers and supporters. And members elect next year’s Board of Directors.

Everyone is invited to attend. You may attend in-person at EBS or via Zoom. The link will be found at the bottom of this page. We hope you will join us!

As usual, we have a lot to talk about. Here’s a partial list:

  • how to modify and optimize our programming in a perpetual-Covid existence

  • how to engage more volunteers to help

  • potential retreats/events/speakers for 2023

  • new board members and officers

2022 brought us continued challenges. As we look to 2023, we hope to learn from these lessons and remain relevant and accessible to everyone who might benefit from our precious Buddhist traditions of mindfulness and compassionate community.

For those that want to attend virtually, here is the Zoom information.

Topic: EBS 2023 Community Meeting

Time: Jan 15, 2023 03:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 873 7015 8493

Passcode: ebs

One tap mobile

+16469313860,,87370158493#,,,,*785342# US

Below is the recording of the 2022 Annual Meeting. Refresh your memory as we look forward to our 2023 meeting!

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to Feb 2

Eight-Part Introduction to Buddhism Class with Dr. Hun Lye

  • Ecumenical Buddhist Society (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dr. Hun Lye is a popular teacher here at EBS. He is thoroughly practiced in the western academic discipline of Religious Studies plus traditional Buddhist teachings. He draws from the best of both worlds, offering a unique and engaging approach to the rich contemplative, intellectual, cultural and spiritual heritage of Buddhism.

Suitable for everyone - from interested newcomers to advanced Buddhist practitioners.

Class will meet on Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:00 pm (Central time) on the following dates: December 1, 8, 15, 22, January 5, 19, 26, and February 2.

Watch the class from home on Zoom, or join a group in the EBS bookstore watching together. Hosted by Cheryl Woodard and Doug Holmes. Contact Cheryl if you have questions.

A suggested donation of $8 per class or $50 for the whole series supports Dr. Lye’s home center, Urban Dharma of North Carolina in Asheville.

Advance registration is required. Register at Urban Dharma

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