There are very few things you need in order to begin a meditation practice. In fact, all you need is you. . . Pema Chodron.
This group is for both Buddhists and non-Buddhists who want to focus on mindfulness meditation as a method for becoming more settled and relaxed amid the turmoil of our lives.
All Buddhist traditions include the practice of Mindfulness in their path. And mindfulness meditation has been widely adopted outside of the Buddhist context. Consequently, people who attend this class include both experienced and beginner meditators who share their questions, insights, and experiences with one another.
We meet on Wednesday evenings from 7 to 8 pm.
Each class begins with a short talk about why we meditate, followed by step-by-step instruction, a brief meditation period, and then discussion. Classes are led by specially-trained EBS meditation instructors who are also personally engaged in their own spiritual paths and traditions.
For our core text, we use a book called, How to Meditate: A Practical Guide to Making Friends with Your Mind, by the American-born meditation teacher, Pema Chodron.
For more information email Mick Wiggins.