A morning workshop on September 16, 2017
9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Ecumenical Buddhist Society
Sponsors: Ecumenical Buddhist Society of Little Rock, Greater Arkansas Interfaith Network, and Widening the Circle
Throughout the United States and Europe, and also in Asian countries, Buddhists and Christians are engaged in dialogue, not simply to learn about each other but to learn from one another. Along the way they become Christians influenced by Buddhism and Buddhists influenced by Christianity, exhibiting what scholars call “double religious belonging.”
This three-hour workshop approaches such dialogue from the vantage point of a Paul Knitter, former Catholic priest and professor of world religions at Union Theological Seminary in New York, who is a professing Christian and Buddhist and author of Without Buddha I Could Not be a Christian. Jay McDaniel will share the contents of his book in an informal way, and there will be open discussion, with sessions of breathing meditation interspersed. Participants are encouraged to purchase and peruse the book in advance.
Our hope is that this can help inaugurate ongoing discussions in Christian-Buddhist dialogue throughout the central Arkansas area.
Please register by emailing Dr. Jay McDaniel: mcdaniel@hendrix.edu.
Table of Contents of Knitter’s Book:
Chapter One: Nirvana and God the Transcendent Other
Chapter Two: Nirvana and God the Personal Other
Chapter Three: Nirvana and God the Mysterious Other
Chapter Four: Nirvana and Heaven
Chapter Five: Jesus the Christ and Gautama the Buddha
Chapter Six: Prayer and Meditation
Chapter Seven: Making Peace and Being Peace
Conclusion: Promiscuity or Hybridity?
A New Conclusion: Jesus and Buddha Both Come First!