Zen Master Bon Hae
About the Talk: "The Heart Can Only Take So Much"
We are living in the confluence of multiple disasters over varying periods of time: a worldwide pandemic (months); pending climate catastrophe (decades); and racial and ethnic discrimination and violence (centuries). From whatever our standpoint is: How can we keep our hearts open? How can we see clearly? How can we know what to do? There will be a 5 minute silent sitting at the beginning of the talk.
Date: Friday, July 10th
Time: 7:30 to 8:30pm CST
Suggested donation: $10 (pay during the registration process or choose “pay later”)
Registration Link: https://www.aplos.com/aws/events/kwanumzen_talk. We highly recommend registering to ensure that we have enough slots for everyone.
Zoom link: https://zoom.us/j/96926896190; Meeting ID: 969 2689 6190
About Zen Master Bon Hae:
Judy Roitman (Zen Master Bon Hae) is the guiding teacher of the Kansas Zen Center in Lawrence KS. She began practicing Zen in 1976 with Zen Master Seung Sahn at the Cambridge Zen Center, and helped found the Kansas Zen Center in 1978. She was granted authorization as a teacher (inka) in the Kwan Um School of Zen in 1998 and received dharma transmission in 2013. She is a poet and a retired mathematician.
Learn more about the Kwan Um School of Zen and the Kansas Zen Center.