Nyingma: Prayers for Healing
During times of war or natural disaster, and when people close to us are suffering from difficult circumstances and illnesses, we remember the buddhas and bodhisattvas who laid out a path of wisdom that relieves all suffering, dedicating ourselves to follow their example. These aspiration prayers – called Mönlam in Tibetan which means “path of aspiration” – are offered daily in all Buddhist monasteries. One teacher explains, “Mönlam spreads the seeds of loving kindness and pure motivation, activates their power, and hence brings about genuine peace, love, happiness, and well-being in the world.” Anyone can be included in the prayers; you don’t have to be a Buddhist.
Here at EBS, we recite a Monlam prayer that was brought to us by Lama Tharchin Rinpoche in the 1990s called The Prayer That Swiftly Fulfills All Wishes (Sampa Nyur Drupma). The practice takes about 15 minutes and involves reading the names on our prayer list and reciting the prayer together.
We start at 10 am on Sundays, in the small meditation room.
To submit a request for prayers, email prayers@ebslr.org with the person’s name and a word or two about their situation. Please include your own name and contact information. You are welcome to request prayers for yourself, your pets, or other creatures.
Contact: Cheryl@publishingbiz.com
The Venerable Lama Tharchin Rinpoche was our teacher but is now deceased, after leaving us with many teachings, permissions, and empowerments for EBS to offer these traditional practices.
Heart Teachings of Lama Tharchin Rinpoche (video and online series) www.hearteachings.com
Lama Tharchin Rinpoche www.vajrayana.org