Buddhist Book Study with Dr. Hun Lye
Sunday mornings 11:00am-12:30pm
This group is a place where practitioners of various Buddhist lineages come together, under the guidance of Dorjé Lopön Dr. Hun Lye, to read and discuss Buddhist texts. Through our reading, discussion, and contemplation of the texts and their commentaries, we come to a better understanding of the Buddhadharma and its implications for our day to day life. All who are interested are very welcome in this group.
We are most fortunate to have the support and guidance of Dorjé Lopön Hun Lye, a Vajra master in the Drikung Kagyü lineage of Tibetan Buddhism and founder of Urban Dharma in Asheville, North Carolina www.udharmanc.com
For more information: contact Melissa Gill ph: 520-425-2773
Watch an introductory video with Dr. Lye about how to read this book and apply the teachings
The Way of the Bodhisattva
Treasured by Buddhists of all traditions, Shantideva’s classical book The Way of the Bodhisattva (Bodhicharyavatara) is a guide to cultivating the mind of enlightenment, and to generating the qualities of love, compassion, generosity, and patience.
This text has been studied, practiced, and expounded upon in an unbroken tradition for centuries, first in India, and later in Tibet. Presented in the form of a personal meditation in verse, it outlines the path of the Bodhisattvas—those who renounce the peace of individual enlightenment and vow to work for the liberation of all beings and to attain Buddhahood for their sake.
Everyone is welcome to read this book with us, no matter how much study you’ve done before. Here’s a great opportunity to dip your toes into Buddhism with guidance from experienced students and a wonderful teacher.
Dr. Lye joins us from time-to-time via Zoom. You can join by Zoom, too.
The zoom link is https://us06web.zoom.us/j/98628082031?pwd=VHJ2WG1KTGdzc2lxNktqWGhlUHNIdz09
Meeting id is 986 2808 2031 password is 727304
A short audio introduction to this book from the American Buddhist teacher Pema Chodron is available on YouTube at this link.