Dorje Lopon Dr. Hun Lye is the spiritual teacher and founder of Urban Dharma NC, a Buddhist Center in Western North Carolina. The Dharmata group, EBS, and Dr. William Gorvine of Hendrix College, have invited Dr. Lye to come and teach at EBS. He previously came to Arkansas in the Fall of 2014 to teach and support a sand mandala construction at Hendrix.
These teachings on compassion are for all practices at EBS. Everyone is welcome!
Friday, August 28, 7-8:30 p.m. Public Talk
A Session on Nothing: Contemplating the Heart Sutra
A guided investigation into the nature of mind and its relevance to contemporary life. Suggested donation: $10-$20
Saturday and Sunday, August 29-30 Retreat
Training the Mind, Recovering the Good Heart: Mind-Training Teachings for Everyday Living
Dr. Lye shares with participants the essence of the Buddha's teachings on cultivating the awakening mind of compassion, wisdom, and altruism as expressed in a famous mind-training instruction by 11th century Tibetan Buddhist master, Geshe Langri Thangpa, known as "Eight Verses for Mind-Training." As one teacher explained: "The fundamental theme of mind training practice is the profound reorientation of our basic attitude, both toward our own self and toward our fellow human beings, as well as toward the events around us. The goal of mind-training practice is the radical transformation of our thoughts, attitudes, and habits. Presently, we tend to cherish the welfare of our own self at the expense of all others. However, the mind-training teaching challenges us to reverse this process. This involves a deep understanding of others as true friends, and the recognition that our true enemy lies inside of ourselves, not outside."
Cost: $60/ day, $110 for entire retreat.
To attend this retreat, please print out and complete the registration form. Mail the completed form and payment to EBS - Click Here for Registration Form
Location: EBS Main Meditation Hall
Daily Schedule:
9 a.m.—Registration
10:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.—Teachings
12:30-2 p.m.—Lunch
2-4:30 p.m.—Teachings
Contact Charlotte Besch at 501-551-5135 or at