Opening Outwards: Embracing and Sustaining the Growth of the Ecumenical Buddhist Society
Five years ago, the EBS community collectively decided to move into the current location at 1516 W. 3rd Street because the physical space so beautifully reflects our Buddhist values, and the location across from the Capitol is easy for interested people to find.
The move successfully increased our visibility and provided opportunities for new activities. It also created new challenges: funding goals went unmet, and some decision-making bogged down. We discovered that we needed a different organization structure to support the bigger and more complicated community we were becoming.
A team of EBS board and community members worked over ten months in 2018 to address these challenges. They developed a road map for the next five years.
Here are the highlights:
Newly created volunteer staff positions – inviting more people to help organize, manage, and support our activities.
New classes, teachers, and practice programs – welcoming new people into the community as well as meeting the changing needs of current members.
New operating structure – centralizing and organizing basic tasks like marketing, fundraising, and facilities management.
Gathering new information – about the needs and interests of our members.
You can read the complete plan here.
Contact Board President, Cheryl Woodard, if you have questions, comments, or suggestions.
Contact our volunteer coordinator, Marcia Zamora, to learn about how you can help EBS grow.
And you can donate by going here.