Proposed Guidance for Re-opening


On April 22, 2020, The White House and CDC released guidance (Click to open hyperlink) for re-opening America following the Covid-19 pandemic. Though lacking key details, this guidance proposed re-opening in three phases.

  • The first phase involves re-introducing limited businesses, such as some restaurants and stores

  • The second phase involves re-introducing group activities involving 50 people or fewer, with extra caution recommended for at-risk individuals

  • The third phase involves a general opening of most businesses

Current Status of Re-Opening:

Our interpretation is that EBS should not re-open to the public until Arkansas meets criteria for entering Phase II, at minimum. According to recent guidance by the CDC (released May 20), Arkansas will enter Phase II when:

  • Average number of new Covid cases decreases over a 14 day period without a recent “spike” in new cases. Our average new daily cases is currently 250, and two weeks ago it was roughly 125. As such, Arkansas is currently experiencing an increase in cases and does not meet this criteria.

  • Percentage of positive Covid tests decreases over a 14 day period with the amount of testing increasing or staying steady. The number of positive tests is currently increasing, and the number of testing is not steady or increasing. The current positive test rate is 6.8%, and two weeks ago it was roughly 4.5%. As such, Arkansas does not meet this criteria either.

Interpretation and Future Directions:

Both the Federal and AR State governments are not following CDC guidance, and have each set calendar dates for entering Phase II regardless of testing data. Because we believe in following a science-based approach, rather than political one, we have decided to follow CDC guidelines. When Arkansas meets the CDC criteria for entering Phase II, the EBSLR board will meet and decide whether we can safely re-introduce group sessions again without risking the health or safety of our members

We apologize for the inconvenience this causes our community. We will continue to make use of technology as best as possible to remain available to all members. Thank you for your patience, as please never hesitate to contact any board member with questions or concerns. Namaste.