Many years ago, our founders imagined a home for EBS that would radiate friendship and peace, based on the principles and practices of Buddhism. Acting on that idea, the Board of Directors recently made an offer to purchase the building at 1516 W 3rd Street, plus the grassy lot next door. Our offer has been accepted. EBS finally has a real home.
Ownership stabilizes our monthly expenses and secures our financial future. Owning the property also allows us to modify the space and accommodate more people. We can put outdoor practice space in the vacant lot, for example, or build additional bathrooms downstairs, or make kid-friendly space for families with children. There are many possibilities.
Countless people delivered us to this moment and we celebrate them. I'm thinking about all the people who hosted practices or programs, the ones who served as board members, the people who donated money, everyone who showed up to clean, provided supplies, wrote newsletters, talked to friends about EBS, and numberless other acts of generosity and support. All those folks made this moment possible and we thank them.
What's Next?
I'm sure you have questions and ideas about what this step means and how the property can help EBS grow. We want to know what you think.
Please mark your calendars and join us for a Community Zoom meeting on Sunday August 15 at 3:00 pm. The Board will share the details, answer questions, and hear your ideas. Use this link to join the meeting
Meeting ID: 923 5398 9904
Passcode: ebs
Meanwhile, please email Cheryl Woodard, EBS Board President, if you have immediate reactions or comments.
EBS Meditation Hall